Monday, February 8, 2010

My social network can beat up your social network.

Does it bother anybody else that pineapple is often abbreviated as "pine" on juices and such (ie: Pine/Passionfruit)? I feel I'm about to drink air freshener. Or tree.

Also, I considered entering the Escapist's webcomic competition but later thought not to, as my previous webcomics lead to laziness and lethargy as well as the fact I really ain't that good at comics. Someone else would no doubt win over me if I did enter and that's not just me being defeatist, I know at least ten people that can and have done better than myself. I reckon I'll just stick to putting stupid drawings up here from time to time.

That's all I had. Don't forget kids, drugs are bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The 'pine' abbreviation for pineapple does bother me, and for that exact region. Air freshener, blerg.

Also, the sun is a mass of incandescent gas.

That is all.