Sunday, January 31, 2010

Uuugggghhhh. Ehhhhh?

Sydney, went there.

Saw Them Crooked Vultures and enacted my rules of mosh pit etiquette and was complimented by a couple of strangers on my conduct during the show.

Home, went there too.

Finished off the deck with the help of Smell and JJ, mum was foreman. It's not pretty, but it does the job.

Spent most of the weekend playing video games, finishing both "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and "Modern Warfare 2".

I initially bought "Modern Warfare 2" just to see what the fuss was all about and to kill time until "Assassin's Creed 2" and "Left 4 Dead 2" were released, played it for a bit then shelved it when those games were available to me.

A problem I've always had with the "Call of Duty" series is the realism involved in the production, if you can look past having to hide behind something whilst invisible windscreen wipers remove the jam that's been spread across your vision it's certainly a game based in a whole lot of reality.

As I'm sure we all know by now, there is a level that involves killing innocent people in an airport. At first, I was looking forward to this, as I absolutely detest airports, but once I was in the moment and found myself standing over a civilian that was hunched over, hands on head, pleading for his life while I put a bullet in his head, I stopped and thought, wow, this is NOT cool, and continued the level not firing a single shot.

Boy, "Pong", we sure have come a long way, haven't we now? I don't want to sound all fuddy duddy and what not, but how does this pass as "entertainment"? Yes, Infinity Ward, the company responsible for the game gives players the option of skipping that particular level, it still doesn't sit well with me that it was in the game at all. I know it's there to make the player hate the bad guy, but surely this could have been done in a cut scene.

I think I'm gonna end this before I sound like a bunch of other folks who no doubt blogged about this long ago, just wanted to update this thing for once.

I'll probably post something before the week is over to give more of a catch up of my latest adventures and what not but for now, this is it.

Take it easy, folks!

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