Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You Have 140 Characters To Comply

As I'm looking back at the halfway point of what is now going to be 48 hours without my phone I realise that I miss the shit out of Twitter. Not having my phone means I can't bore you during the day while I'm at work.

So for those of you that are ape-shit retarded for the stuff I have to say, here are some thoughts that occurred to me today that if I were able to, I would have tweeted:

-Robocop 2; I know we've had our fair share of forgettable sequels but whose pissed aunty thought this was a good idea?

-Even though I've been getting it near 15 years now, whenever someone has called me Bob recently I want to respond with "My name is Robert."

-Simon's missus is apparently having some trouble with the latest bun in the oven. Will people ever learn? Answer is no.

-I miss my phone. A lot.

That'll do.

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