Friday, August 27, 2010

You're Doing It Wrong.

What makes one happy?

If you think you know the answer, you are wrong.

There is nothing so finite, so concrete that it applies to all.

To many, at least from my findings, is that happiness and normality lies within a picket fenced quarter acre block with 2.3 kids, a mortgage and 2 cars in the driveway. Who applied this as the way things should be?

Being a child of the late '80s and early '90s, divorce was rife amongst most of my friends, to the point I could never address any of my friends' parents by name in case they'd just come back from the courthouse and had a brand new one.

Now we're "all grown up" and a lot of my friends are getting married, having kids or have already done both. This scares the shit out of me while also at the same time grounds me, that's what they want, apparently, if they didn't they wouldn't be where they are. Or are they?

Are they implementing this idea of normality feeling they NEED to or are they truly attuned to what they need and doing as they wish, not as they feel they should?

There was a time where I thought I also had this need, this want. I dipped my toes into the water and soon found it was not for me, not as this point at least. Then all of a sudden I'm the bad person for not wanting "normality", for choosing to withhold on what is allegedly essential to my progression as a human being.

So for the time being I am doing what makes me happy. I've made a good dig at what I do, I have good friends, a good, healthy life (maybe with one or two vices, but hey) and am generally satisfied with what I accomplish.

For now, this is my normality, my happiness. Makes me feel right so I'll keep at it.


Rachel said...

I agree mate - I don't want marriage or kids. A flat and a kitten would do me just fine for the next three years.

I want to get my education, my work and all my funnings out before I settle down! I've seen too many people find 'the one' at 17 years old and they don't change as a person from that moment on! It's sad!

My folks were in their forties when I was born and it's worked out well for them, so I plan to do the same!

metaVirus said...

I might get married one day. I don't think I will have kids. Being happy means doing what you feel is right. Normal is rarely "right". We're all making it up as we go along. Sticking to manky traditions can be (not always but sometimes) such a cop out and lead people to sadness. Normal /= Happiness ;)